Exyus is an HTTP/REST engine written for the Windows/ASP.NET platform. this blog lists code changes and other important updates to the code base.


SMTPResource - take 2

i completed the update of my SMTPResource this evening.

this one has an expanded object model. no longer are you limited to to, from, subject, body elements. now there is a replyto element an the to, cc, bcc elements are all collections of name/email pairs. this offers quite a bit of flexibility. i am also adding a priority and content-type for the body element. i've started testing, but still need to tweak things a bit more.

the text/xml version works fine. however, i need to work up the transforms and validators for application/json and application/x-www-urlencoded versions. not planning on a plain/text or application/atom+xml implementation right now, but that's just more XML/XSD work - no new code.

i hope to have this solid by tomorrow and will roll it into the weekly update release (if all goes well). not too bad, eh?

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